This month I am proud to introduce me, Emma Sulley! As the treasurer and player of Roundwood I wanted to give you an insight into who I am and what makes me tick. I hope you enjoy the blog.

How long have you been with RNC?

I started at the club nearly 15 years ago when I left Loughborough University.

What is your favourite part of the club?

I love keeping fit in a team environment as it does not feel like exercise when you are with friends. I have a very strong competitive edge so love playing in a team sport and watching the team grow and achieve more and more each season.

What made you join RNC?

I have known Sara and Amy for a long long time as we played together at the Slips in Beckenham with some other founding members. When I left university and retuned home it was a natural step to join RNC.

How did you get into netball?  

I have played netball since I was at primary school and represented the borough and county when I was younger. I then had the honour of playing and training with some of the best players in the country at Loughborough.

Give us some background on your netball life.

I think like most of us netball has been part of my life since I was a young child as my mum always played the sport. I have always played centre court as my other sporting passion is long distance running. I represented Kent in cross country running for many years so my natural stamina made centre court positions a good fit. I love the friendship aspects that the game brings and now with 2 young children the freedom to have some me time! I have been the clubs treasurer for well over 10 years now so find myself very much at the heart of a fantastic club.

What do you do beyond netball?

With 2 young kids, Mason 3 years and Logan 5 months my life is very much about them. We all love to be outdoors and Mason has begun his sporting life with weekly swimming and football clubs. I also find time to keep fit with gym, cycling and running (my big passion) and hopefully I can return to the court very soon. But I also like to socialise with a glass of wine and a dinner date with friends or my husband.

What would you say to encourage others to join any sports club?

100% join! It is great for your overall wellbeing and fitness but also allows you to meet and make new friends. It allows you to get involved in a competitive sport and work with others to better yourself and the team. My husband and I are very keen to have the kids involved with sport as we know first hand how important it has been to our lives.

What’s your biggest RNC/ netball achievement?

I played with our regional team for a few seasons which was extremely testing and I learnt a lot, I am qualified as an umpire and have represented our borough and county in Netball.

I have had a superb 15 years at the club with my netball skills undoubtable growing and making me a better player, and I have made some friends that will last a life time!

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